
Whose Son is HE?
Matthew 22:42

Matthew 22:42 - ...What think ye of Christ? whose son is he?...

Lesson 1: Christ, Whose Son is He? (Pt. 1)

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Apr 24, 2024  |  Matthew 22:42  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we embark upon a new topical series of studies looking at the various designations of Christ as "The Son of _______."  Exploration of the scriptures around this phraseological arrangement reveals a number of different perspectives for our understanding and appreciation of who the Christ is as the Son.  These Messianic designations highlight various aspects of who the Christ was to be and what He was chosen to do within the scope of God's master plan for the ages.  Issues of His divinity, humanity, royalty & valiancy are highlighted in the various titles and designations we find assigned to Him.  This first lesson serves as a sampler of these concepts and introduces the upcoming themes and topics that will be examined further as the series develops.

Lesson 2: Christ, Whose Son is He? (Pt. 2)

The Son of God (Pt. 1)

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  May 1, 2024  |  Luke 1:26-38; Matthew 1:18-25  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we begin to explore the first designation of Christ as "the Son of God."  There are a number of different aspects to this title in regard to the Christ, for He is the Son of God in connection with a variety of objectives in the program of God.  In this first study, we consider what it means that He is the Son of God by nature of His conception & birth, for in so coming through the virgin's womb, He was "made of a woman" in order to redeem.  There are redemptive reason for His coming in this manner as well as prophetic reasons, and this first study is devoted to looking at some of the basics of His incarnation and what this means to His designation as "the Son of God."

Lesson 3: Christ, Whose Son is He? (Pt. 3)

The Son of God (Pt. 2)

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  May 8, 2024  |  Rom. 8:14-15, 28-29; Gal. 4:1-7; Exo. 4:22-23; Luk. 4:22-23, 38; Mar. 1:1  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we explore another aspect of the title "the Son of God" in relation to Christ.  Not only was Christ the Son of God by virtue of His supernatural conception in the virgin's womb and birth by the same, but He was and is the Son of God by His election of the Father.  This aspect of the Son of God rests upon what and who He was as a Son to God perfectly carrying out the will of the Father.  This has bearing and relationship to what God chose before the foundation of the world for His dealings with man and what it was ultimately to achieve.  Christ as both the Redeemer of His people and as the overcoming Son does for man and men what we have never succeeded in doing on our own, nor ever could.  This message explores these relationships and highlights what it means that Christ is the Son of God by election.

Lesson 4: Christ, Whose Son is He? (Pt. 4)

The Son of God (Pt. 3)

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  May 15, 2024  |  Romans 1:4  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we explore the final aspect of consideration in regard to the title of Christ: The Son of God.  This study's focus is in search of what it means that Christ is the Son of God by His resurrection.  There are certain things that were bestowed upon Christ in His resurrection that are noteworthy in connection with what the Son of God designation and what that ultimately means for Him.  He is God incarnate and He is the perfect Son, but only after He was risen from the dead was He declared by the Father to be the Son of God with power.  The understanding of what that power entails is a subject matter of considering along with what that power leads to in terms of His authority and inheritance.  This message skims the surface of these issues and presents Christ as the Son of God for a final time.

Lesson 5: Christ, Whose Son is He? (Pt. 5)

The Son of the Father

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  May 22, 2024  |  2 John 3  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we move on to another designation of Christ, the Son.  Occurring only once in this particular arrangement, John sets forth the unique expression describing the Lord Jesus Christ as "The Son of the Father."  Clear ties exist taking our minds back to the title of "The Son of God" with respect to His relationship to God as His Father, but none of these touch precisely upon the intent John has in referring to Christ as "The Son of Father."  The doctrinal foundation of such a designation has been laid long before our arrival in 2 John, and thus we must grasp the picture of Christ presented by John in his gospel record and first epistle.  Through reference to select passages in John's former works, we are able to stitch together the tapestry and see the doctrinal underpinnings of what is meant in his reference to Christ under our title thought.  Christ is the Son of the Father and such is the very manifestation of life eternal.

Lesson 6: Christ, Whose Son is He? (Pt. 6)

The Son of the Highest (Pt. 1)

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  May 29, 2024  |  Luke 1:32  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we consider Christ as "The Son of the Highest."  The concept of "the Highest" or "the Most High" is a concept rich with meaning and one that has a long history and significance to God's creative order.  Understanding what is wrapped in this title has profound impacts as to the whole of God's reconciling purpose with His creation, both in heaven and earth.  In this message, we explore this title a bit and settle on the importance of what it means for Christ to be "the Son of the Highest," destined to be "great" in power to put all things under His feet.

Lesson 7: Christ, Whose Son is He? (Pt. 7)

The Son of the Highest (Pt. 2)

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Jun 5, 2024  |  Luke 1:32  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we continue to explore the concepts associated with Christ, the Son of the Highest.  Using the foundation laid down in the last message, we locate various passages that give us more insight into the truth of what is becoming of the Most High and His plan of wisdom to reconcile all things through His Son.  In Him, we find the Faithful & True Word of God, the Alpha & Omega who alone is worthy: Almighty in Power, Only in Wisdom & Glorious in Praise!

Lesson 8: Christ, Whose Son is He? (Pt. 8)

The Son of the Blessed

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Jun 12, 2024  |  Mark 14:61  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we explore the concept of blessing and what that means at a fundamental level.  Oftentimes, blessings are equated with physical things of health, wealth, family, friends or other things considered gain.  While there is some legitimacy to this idea, the underlying concept is more basic.  The physician blessings are truly the outflow of the more basic concept of blessing, which is to speak well of someone or something.  This can be bi-directional, for God may bless man, but man also may bless God.  The two are linked together, or at least should be, as we learn from a variety of passages throughout this message.

Lesson 9: Christ, Whose Son is He? (Pt. 9)

The Son of Man (Pt. 1)

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Jun 19, 2024  |  Mark 14:62  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we begin to take a look at the Lord's favorite way of referring to Himself during His earthly ministry.  The title "The Son of Man" is found more often in scripture than any other in reference to the Christ, and most often proceeds from the lips of Jesus Himself.  Through the use of various scriptures, we seek to understand the Messianic nature of this title, what it was established to mean according to prophecy and the way in which the Lord Himself used it on a number of occasions.  We also learn about "Anani" and what this has to do with the Son of man in terms of prophetic revelation.  Keep your Bible handy and study with us as we explore this fascinating topic together.

Lesson 10: Christ, Whose Son is He? (Pt. 10)

The Son of Man (Pt. 2)

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Jun 26, 2024  |  John 3:13  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we further explore the concept of "The Son of Man" as a Messianic title of Christ.  In the previous message, we looked at the heavenly personage who will come with the clouds of heaven down to the earth to have dominion and administer judgment.  However, there is another side of the Son of man.  Actually, the scriptures present His coming in two advents with the latter being the subject of the former message.  In Lesson 10, we delve into a few aspects of the first advent of the Son of man.  His first coming is for a different purpose and it has a different character, but it nevertheless showcases the same theme; namely, that the Son of man is a heavenly person who descended from above for the accomplishment of the Father's will.  Focusing our attention primarily in the gospel of John, we consider a few points concerning the One who is above all and tells of heavenly things.

Lesson 11: Christ, Whose Son is He? (Pt. 11)

The Son of David (Pt. 1)

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Jul 10, 2024  |  Matthew 1:1; 2 Sam. 7:1-17  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we begin to consider the significance of the Messianic title, "The Son of David."  The student of scripture who knows OT history will surely recognize the importance of this title in connection with the Davidic Covenant and the doctrine of the Christ.  It is impossible to appreciate this title with a basic grasp of what is comprehended in the Davidic Covenant both historically and doctrinally.  For this reason, this first message on the subject sets the table and briefly returns to 2 Samuel 7 to explore the historical context of the covenant's announcement by the LORD.

Lesson 12: Christ, Whose Son is He? (Pt. 12)

The Son of David (Pt. 2)

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Jul 17, 2024  |  Matthew 1:1; Isaiah 9:1-7  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we further expand upon the doctrine of the Son of David and the Davidic Covenant by looking at a passage from the Prophet Isaiah in which the historical tenets of the LORD's covenant with David are further expounded in view of the coming Messiah.  The result of the LORD taking upon Himself the seed of David in order to implement the grace and truth communicated by His name is seen within the context of the fulfillment of the covenant.  The house, throne and kingdom of David are established for ever through the Messiah, but there are some necessary steps that have to be taken in order to effect it in time.  For this reason, we take a brief look a the Five Mandates of the Davidic Covenant and the attributions of praise that belong to "his name" as a result of their successful accomplishment.

Lesson 13: Christ, Whose Son is He? (Pt. 13)

The Son of Abraham (Pt. 1)

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Jul 24, 2024  |  Matthew 1:1; Genesis 12:1-3; 13:14-18; 15:1-21  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we begin the final segment of our series by considering the title, "The Son of Abraham."  Why does the Holy Spirit lead Matthew to include this designation in the book of the generation of Jesus Christ?  Is it not a given that a son of David is also a son of Abraham?  By generational lines, the answer is an obvious, "Yes."  However, Matthew includes this designation to make a point to the Jews who had rejected Jesus of Nazareth.  While the Son of David would reestablish David's kingdom in Israel (something Jesus did not do at His first coming), it cannot be overlooked that the Davidic Covenant is not the first revelation of Israel's Messiah.  Long before, God made promises to Abraham and His "seed" that must be taken into account in order to properly identify the One who can rightly be called Christ.  Perhaps there is more to learn,, and that learning might just lead to an understanding of why Israel's Messiah did not set up the kingdom of David as His first order of business.  These and other related topics are dealt with in this study.

Lesson 14: Christ, Whose Son is He? (Pt. 14)

The Son of Abraham (Pt. 2)

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Jul 31, 2024  |  Matthew 1:1  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we conclude our look at "The Son of Abraham," and with it the series of messages concerning "Christ, Whose Son is He?"  The foundational material from the last lesson concerning Abraham's history is used as the guide for expanding further upon who the Son of Abraham would be.  Matters related to the redemption of Abraham and his seed from the power of death and the dispossession of their enemies from the land are key points in this study.  Through a series of passages, we begin to get a fuller view of what this will mean for Israel and even learn a few things about our own dispensation along the way.  Finally, this installment rounds out the series and completes the seven point answer to the main question set forth in the series title.