Every word of God is pure...

Proverbs 30:5 the end ye may be established...

Romans 1:11

The foundation of the "godly edifying" of the Body of Christ is found in the book of Romans.  This epistle sets forth the great truths of "the faith" as committed to the Apostle Paul.  Every saint needs a strategic grasp and understanding of this vital book in God's word.  While the intent of this series is not a verse-by-verse examination, it is intended to give the saint the fundamental grasp of Romans truth, so he/she can more readily deal with it on his/her own.

...Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free...

Galatians 5:1

The passion and zeal of the Apostle Paul for the gospel of grace is on full display in this short, six chapter epistle.  With fervor in the Spirit, Paul vigorously contends for the truths of the grace of God against the legalist who labor to bring the saints into bondage.  The blessedness of the imputed righteousness of God by faith is a doctrine that is to defended without exception, and in this epistle we have the superiority of grace to the law set forth.  Full of passion, enthusiasm, and even a bit of sarcasm, Paul pleads for the the saints to stand fast in the liberty in Christ that only grace doctrine can give.