The Gospels

Isaiah 46:13 - ...and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory.

Lesson 78: The Gospels (Pt. 1)

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Nov. 2, 2022  |  Dan. 9:1-2, 25-27; Zec. 9:9; Mt. 1:1-17; 28:16-20  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we begin to take a look at the fourth installment of the fifth course of punishment and with it the gospel records.  We revisit Daniel 9 to reacquaint ourselves with the prophetic timeline and speak to the reasons for and against carving out the gospel period in the 62 weeks of Daniel's prophecy.  We also stop by Zechariah 9 to see the "Behold thy king" declaration of the prophet on our way to the gospel of Matthew.  Finally in the second half of the message, we begin to take our big picture view of the gospel records themselves by looking at the opening and closing passage of the first gospel in the Biblical order.  The book of the generation of Jesus Christ is briefly considered as well as the commonly called "Great Commission" of Matthew 28.  From these passages, we join the nation Israel to "Behold the King!"

Lesson 79: The Gospels (Pt. 2)

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Nov. 9, 2022  |  Isa. 42:1; 52:13; Zec. 3:8; 6:12; Mk. 1:14-45; 16:15-20; Lk. 1:1-4; 24:50-53  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we continue to take a look at the fourth installment of the fifth course of punishment by further evaluating the role & function of the gospel records.  The gospels of Mark and Luke are the subjects of this lesson, and in keeping with our method of study used in Matthew, we focus our attention on the opening and closing passages of each book.  In Mark, we find the emphasis placed upon the Servant of Jehovah and the key details that the Holy Spirit draws upon to cause Israel to behold Him.  The work and ministry of Christ is an emphasis in this portion of the study.  Next, we venture into Luke's gospel account where he causes Israel to Behold the Man.  Aspects of Christ's humanity are stressed by Luke and the opening and closing passages of this gospel likewise include details to especially emphasize that theme.

Lesson 80: The Gospels (Pt. 3)

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Nov. 16, 2022  |  Isa. 40:9-10; Zec. 13:7; John 1:1-4, 14; 20:30-31; 21:25  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message,  we continue to take a look at the fourth installment of the fifth course of punishment by further evaluating the role & function of the gospel of John.  Along with the nation Israel, we behold Jesus Christ as the God-fellow, Jehovah in human flesh.  In accordance with our purpose to examine the opening and closing passages of the gospels, we again find potent witnesses to John's primary theme.  Jesus is the pre-incarnate Word who existed from eternity, began the beginning and created all things.  He is Creator!  He is God!  He is uncontainable, and He is the fullness of Jehovah in all grace and truth who was made flesh and dwelt among His people.  Study with us as we behold Him in all His glory!

Lesson 81: Christ, the Rock of Israel (Pt. 1)

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Nov. 30, 2022  |  Exodus 17:5-7; Deuteronomy 32:1-38; 1 Corinthians 10:1-4  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we begin our dive into the details of the fourth installment of the fifth course of punishment and the gospels by looking back at the doctrine of "the Rock" in the scriptures. We use a number of passages in the law and the psalms to demonstrate the connection between the "rock" and the God or gods of the nations. We also consider the message conveyed by this imagery and the safety, protection and refuge communicated by it. Finally, we return to Deuteronomy 32 to take a look at the prophetic rebuke of the nation Israel in forsaking their Rock, and speak to the implications of this as it relates to the gospel period and the program following.

Lesson 82: Christ, the Rock of Israel (Pt. 2)

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Dec. 7, 2022  |  2 Kings 16:1-8; 2 Chron. 28:16, 20-21; Isaiah 7:1-9; 8:5-22; 28:1-22  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we continue to look at some background passages concerning "the Rock" and the doctrine tied to it concerning the nation Israel and the LORD God. With a focus on the prophet Isaiah and the events of the times, we learn the historical context in which both the LORD and His word is shown to be a sure foundation stone. The passages we look at are full of prophetic significance as it relates to the gospels and following, and in this second message of introduction, we lay the foundation for the consideration of the gospel period in earnest.

Lesson 83: Christ, the Rock of Israel (Pt. 3)

"Christ, the Chosen/Elect Stone (Pt. 1)"

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Dec. 14, 2022  |  Matthew 1:1-25  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we briefly summarize the doctrine of the Rock of Israel as we have considered it thus far.  We quickly add one other detail before sprinting toward the opening chapter of Matthew's gospel to begin seeing the prophecies concerning the Rock play out on the stage of history.  The emphasis of our study is the reality that Jesus is the "chosen of God", the "elect" Stone upon whom Jehovah's kingdom promises are to be founded.  Matthew presents several undeniable proofs that Jesus of Nazareth possesses the divine credentials to be "called Christ" for He is the Christ, the Elect Rock and Chosen of God!

Lesson 84: Christ, the Rock of Israel (Pt. 4)
"Christ, the Chosen/Elect Stone (Pt. 2)"

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Dec. 21, 2022  |  Matthew 2:1-23  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we examine Matthew 2 and the additional proofs that Matthew gives concerning the reality that Jesus is the Christ, the Chosen of God.  The series of proofs offered in validation of the identity of Jesus as Christ concern four prophetic utterances that were fulfilled in His initial royal reception.  These include a visit from the wise men and His Starry Birthplace, His Southern Exile into Egypt, the Satanic Opposition in Bethlehem and His Scorned Ignobility as a Nazarene.

Lesson 85: Christ, the Rock of Israel (Pt. 5)
"Christ, the Chosen/Elect Stone (Pt. 3)"

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Dec. 28, 2022  |  Matthew 3:1-17  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we familiarize ourselves with the arrival and ministry of John the Baptist as introduced by Matthew 3. This special prophet had a unique role in God's program with Israel and his significance to the identification of the Christ cannot be overstated.  With the prophetic details in our back pocket, we are able to read Matthew 3 with eyes of understanding and see the powerful fulfillment of prophecy in every word that is related.  John's identity as "the voice crying in the wilderness" serves as yet another proof of the Christhood of Jesus, and the timing of these things "in those days" masterfully align with great prophetic fulfillments concerning Christ.  Indeed, Jesus is the Chosen/Elect Rock of Israel!

Lesson 86: Christ, the Rock of Israel (Pt. 6)
"Christ, the Tried Stone (Pt. 1)"

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Jan. 4, 2023  |  Matthew 4:1-4  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we move to look at Christ, the Tried Stone.  Having demonstrated that Jesus of Nazareth is qualified as a legitimate kinsman of the nation Israel and that He possesses the divine credentials to be the Christ, the next stage of qualification is a demonstration that He is able to perform the work of redemption.  Of necessity, He must show that He is not in the same predicament as the nation He came to ransom, but possesses a heart that is altogether different.  This involves the temptation of the devil, the "strong man" that holds the nation Israel firmly in his grasp.  Does the devil have anything in this Son and Servant of Jehovah?  The showdown in the wilderness will reveal the answer!  Join us in this study as we consider the background to the encounter and take a look at the first of the three temptation episodes of the Lord.

Lesson 87: Christ, the Rock of Israel (Pt. 7)
"Christ, the Tried Stone (Pt. 2)"

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Jan. 11, 2023  |  Matthew 4:5-11  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we round out our examination of Christ, the Tried Stone and the temptation of the Lord.  With the background to the temptation encounter and the details of the first event behind us, we move to the second and third temptations presented to the Lord by the devil.  A number of important learning lessons are baked into this passage when it comes to properly handling God's word and knowing it in truth as it relates to context and proper application.  This critical discernment and skill that the Lord demonstrates concerning the Father's word is the all important issue that prevents Him from being led astray by the tempter's misuse of it.  We see the Lord masterfully counter the devil's attacks by not allowing Him to manipulate Him with the word of God by misapplication.  Join us for this important study Matthew 4.

Lesson 88: Christ, the Rock of Israel (Pt. 8)
"Christ, the Tried Stone (Pt. 3)"

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Jan. 18, 2023  |  Matthew 4:12-17  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we advance to look at the prophetic issues surrounding the commencement of the Lord's public preaching/teaching ministry in Israel.  As the voice of God in the land transitions from John the Baptist to Jesus, we see the things prophesied concerning Christ's preaching ministry being fulfilled and coming to pass in the way in which Jesus enters public life.  Points such as the location, the methodology, the signs and the corrective doctrines are all dealt with in the next section.  We begin to examine these things in this message and provide for our continuation through the fourth installment of the fifth course of punishment on the prophetic timeline.

Lesson 89: Christ, the Rock of Israel (Pt. 9)
"Christ, the Tried Stone (Pt. 4)"

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Jan. 25, 2023  |  Matthew 4:18-25  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we consider the next two issues involved in the commencement of the Lord's public preaching/teaching ministry in Israel.  These include the beginning stages of the assembly of the special class of "children" within the remnant that will come to be known as the twelve apostles and the beginning of the signs of the times to shew the glad tidings of the kingdom.  The focus of the message is on the prophetic details concerning Israel's "fishers" that were given to the Messiah by the Father and the role they will have with Him as the program moves forward.  The signs and wonders that they were "given" in connection with leads into the significance of the Lord beginning to perform miracles as part of His confirmatory ministry within the land of Israel.

Lesson 90: Christ, the Rock of Israel (Pt. 10)
"Christ, the Foundation Stone (Pt. 1)"

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Feb. 1, 2023  |  Matthew 5:1-7:29; Ps. 50:16-21; Isaiah 8:13; 28:1-16; 29:1-16; 42:19-21  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we begin to consider the background material for the Sermon on the Mount. The Lord's corrective doctrine contained in Matthew 5-7 is also an issue of prophecy that Isaiah and others spoke about in view of the corruption of Israel's vain religious system.  The traditions of the elders and the hypocrisy of their vain worship had perverted the law and displaced the truth to the transgression of the commandments of God.  The corruption had become so pervasive by the time of the gospels that even the doctrine of the Christ, His work in Israel and the kingdom had been tainted in the minds of the common people.  For this, the Lord must provide for his disciples to see the vain religious system for what it is and have the doctrinal capacity to avoid its pitfalls as the timeline moves along toward the earthly kingdom.  As we will see, the Sermon on the Mount provides for the fundamental correction and constitution of true, kingdom righteousness for His people.

Lesson 91: Christ, the Rock of Israel (Pt. 11)
"Christ, the Foundation Stone (Pt. 2)"

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Feb. 8, 2023  |  Matthew 5:1-7:29  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we briefly survey the major points of the Lord's Sermon on the Mount.  With the prophetic background and necessity for such a sermon laid down in the previous message, what is set before us to accomplish is simply to understand the structure and points of the sermon.  A detailed look at every verse is not the goal, but a general synopsis of the flow and function of the Lord's sermon is what we seek to achieve.  We are concerned with the sermon in its totality and the founding function that it serves for the believing remnant of Israel.  The Rock is given for a foundation, and the wise in Israel will build their house thereupon.

Lesson 92: Christ, the Rock of Israel (Pt. 12)
"Christ, the Stumbling Stone/Rock of Offence (Pt. 1)"

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Feb. 15, 2023  |  Matt. 8:1-4; 9:10-13, 33-38; 10:1-8; 11:7-30; 12:9-14  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we begin looking at the fourth aspect of Christ, the Rock of Israel related to the Stone of Stumbling and Rock of Offence.  The ministry of the Lord to the nation is in view along with the profuse nature of the witness of the signs of the kingdom in confirmation of the prophetic times in which they were living.  Despite the abundant proofs concerning the identity of Jesus and the kingdom times that had come to them, the nation's leadership responded negatively to what God was doing among them.  This was manifest by their attitudes and actions toward the ministries of John, Jesus and the twelve apostles.  Because of their willful blindness, a crisis point is reached and the Lord will begin to shift His ministry away from the national emphasis on the "acceptable year of the LORD" and begin preparing His disciples for the coming "day of vengeance of our God."  What should have been plain and clear will now be made obscure and dark to those who stumble at the word and find offence in their King.

Lesson 93: Christ, the Rock of Israel (Pt. 13)
"Christ, the Stumbling Stone/Rock of Offence (Pt. 2)"

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Feb. 22, 2023  |  Matt. 12:22-32, 43-45; 13:1-3, 10-17, 34-35; 15:1-14; 16:13-20  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we continue to explore the theme of Christ the Rock of Israel and how He becomes the Stone of Stumbling and Rock of Offence to the nation.  In view of the negative response of Israel's religious leaders, the manner and ministry of the Lord begins to shift.  Rather than shining the light of the gospel of the kingdom, He begins to speak in a different way to take away the light that had been given and refused.  We see the Lord confronting the Pharisees' doctrine concerning His identity, teaching in parables and commanding His disciples to let them alone.  All of this has a merciful design that they might be offered a new opportunity to repent in view of the ignorance in which they will crucify Him.  These and other matters are covered in this message as we focus our attention on Matthew 12-16.

Lesson 94: Christ, the Rock of Israel (Pt. 14)
"Christ, the Rejected & Precious Stone (Pt. 1)"

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Mar. 1, 2023  |  Matt. 16:21-28; 17:1-23; 20:17-19; 21:1-17, 33-46; 22:34; 23:29-39  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, we enter the final stage of the Lord's earthly ministry prior to His crucifixion and consider the theme of Christ as the Rejected and Precious Stone.  With the major public aspect of the Lord's ministry in the rearview mirror and the nation's negative response to the gospel of the kingdom, the Lord begins to shift His focus to preparing his believing remnant for the upcoming assault that the gates of hell will launch against them.  In the first place, the hatred of Israel's vain religious system will be directed toward Him and He will be delivered up to suffer and die at their hands.  From this point forward, Jesus will begin to shew these things to His disciples and begin to edify them in the reality that it will eventually be directed toward them also when He is gone away.  The true cost of discipleship will be a prominent theme as the Lord lives out the final days of His ministry.

Lesson 95: Christ, the Rock of Israel (Pt. 15)
"Christ, the Rejected & Precious Stone (Pt. 2)"

Bro. Joshua Edwards  |  Mar. 8, 2023  |  Matt. 26:1-28; 27:21-26, 33-37, 45-46, 50, 57-61; 28:5-7  |  Download Audio  |  Youtube

In this message, the Rock of Israel is made precious by suffering and death.  The hatred of Israel's vain religious system for the LORD activates and their murderous lusts are fulfilled as Jesus Christ is delivered up to die the criminal's death.  As the Lord suffers mightily, He makes His way to the tree that stands and the linchpin of human history.  Everything in the program of God rests upon what takes place in a three hour span of darkness.  The wrath of God against sin is judged as the blood of the Kinsman-Redeemer is shed, and the ancient contention for the ransoming of Israel from their strong and lawful captor falls upon Him.  Blow after blow and wound after wound is laid upon the holy Lamb of God there on the tree.   His stripes for the healing of the nation open the fountain for sin and uncleanness and He fulfills the work that He came to accomplish.  Jehovah-ness goes into effect on Israel's behalf as the Mighty Redeemer is made a curse and contends with the power of death to secure that joy that was set before Him.   The Lord's death, burial and resurrection begin the implementation of the Davidic Covenant and set the stage for the accomplishment of everything remaining in the prophetic program.