2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature...

Lesson 1: Introduction

Bro. Joshua Edwards | Oct. 17, 2018 | Num. 13:26-33; Eph. 1:1-14 | Download Audio | Youtube

In this message, emphasis is given to the importance of understanding our true identity in God's sight. Failure to see ourselves as God does leads to ineffectiveness in our purpose of life and is detrimental to living out who God has made us to be in Christ. Through a parallel passage from the book of Numbers, we learn from Israel the great mistake of holding a view of ourselves inconsistent with how God sees us. This message is given to set the proper mental attitude and whet the appetite for the lessons to follow in the series.

Lesson 2: Justified in Christ

Bro. Joshua Edwards | Oct. 18, 2018 | Rom. 3:20-28 | Download Audio | Youtube

In this message, the first component of our new identity is explored with a focus on what it means to be justified in Christ. This fundamental doctrine is essential for understanding our position and security in the matter of eternal life. Through use of the scriptures, we learn what God has done to address our condemnation status "in Adam" and what He has provided in the cross to give us a justification status "in Christ."

Lesson 3: Sanctified in Christ

Bro. Joshua Edwards | Oct. 19, 2018 | Rom. 6:1-14; 8:1-15 | Download Audio | Youtube

In this message, the second component of our new identity is explored with a focus on what it means to be sanctified in Christ. This fundamental doctrine is essential for understanding our position and reality in the matter of functional life. Through use of the scriptures, we learn what God has done to address our condemnation status "in Adam" and what He has provided in the cross to give us a sanctification status "in Christ."

Lesson 4: Glorified in Christ

Bro. Joshua Edwards | Oct. 20, 2018 | II Thess. 1:12; Rom. 8:16-17 | Download Audio | Youtube

In this message, the third component of our new identity is explored with a focus on what it means to be exalted and glorified in Christ. This fundamental doctrine is essential for understanding our position and calling in the matter of heavenly life. Through use of the scriptures, we learn what God has done to address our condemnation status "in Adam" and what He has provided in the cross to give us a glorification status "in Christ."