Leviticus 26

Leviticus 26 is one of the most crucial chapters in the Bible when it comes to understanding God's program with Israel. In this one chapter in the book that is probably least studied by Christians today, we have an outline to follow through the rest of the Bible that concerns God's prophetic dealings with His nation. Listen to the audio records below to see how this works itself out through the pages of God's word!

Leviticus 26:8 - ...then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.

Lesson 1: Introduction

Bro. Joshua Edwards | Apr. 4, 2018 | Leviticus 26:14-46 | Download Audio

In this study, the fundamentals of Israel's religious calendar as seen in the holy days, new moons, and sabbaths are reviewed using Paul's comments in Colossians 2:16-17. Additionally, Leviticus 23 is summarized and all the feasts listed in their chronological and seasonal schedules. We learn that the physical observances of the feasts shadow, in type, the LORD's prophetic and redemptive calendar with the nation of Israel. The importance of the name of the LORD to the outworking of His program with the nation is highlighted, and the educational components of the feasts are noted.

Lesson 2: Leviticus 26 Orientation & Course 1

Bro. Joshua Edwards | Apr. 11, 2018 | Leviticus 26:14-46 | Download Audio

In this study, key terminology in Leviticus 26 is considered. The successive nature of the law curses is highlighted as well as the intensifying degrees of chastisement in the language of the law contract. Additionally, Israel's failures in the land following the conquest of Joshua are considered which leads into the historical outworking of the first course of punishment in the times of the judges of Israel.

Lesson 3: Interlude of Mercy & Course 2

Bro. Joshua Edwards | Apr. 18, 2018 | Leviticus 26:18-20; Exodus 33:19 | Download Audio

In this study, we continue looking at the historical outworking of the course of punishment in Leviticus 26. As Israel's failures under law continue through the the first course of punishment, the nation becomes worthy of the next phase of chastening. However, the LORD, in mercy, enacts the legal reserve clause of Exodus 33, and shows Israel a period of unprecedented forbearance & blessing in the times of David & Solomon. Solomon's latter apostasy is considered the LORD's announcement that the second course of punishment will come upon the nation following Solomon's death. The division of the kingdom and the ministry of Elijah are focused upon in this study as well.

Lesson 4: Course 3 & Course 4

Bro. Joshua Edwards | Apr. 25, 2018 | Leviticus 26:21-26 | Download Audio

In this study, we continue looking at the historical outworking of the course of punishment in Leviticus 26. Israel's persistent failure is again highlighted, and the ministry of Elisha is central to the study of the third course of punishment as Israel begins to walk contrary to the LORD. In the fourth course of punishment, we study the intensification of the chastening as the LORD begins to walk contrary to Israel and the nation is "cut short" by their Gentile enemies.

Lesson 5: Course 3 & Course 4

Bro. Joshua Edwards | May 2, 2018 | Leviticus 26:21-26 | Download Audio

In this study, we conclude the series with a brief overview of the entire fifth course of punishment. This includes the arrival of the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities, the return of the remnant following the seventy years of exile, the long period of the silence of God, the times of the Messiah & the Day of the LORD. Emphasis is given to a variety of passages in the prophets, as well as the timeline of Daniel 9.
