The Foundation of "The Faith"
Romans 1:11 - the end ye may be established...
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Romans Overview
Establishment Edification
Establishment Edification
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Sep. 23, 2020 | Romans 1-16 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we introduce a series of messages focused upon the book of Romans. While the intent of this series is not a verse-by-verse examination, it is intended to give the saint a fundamental grasp of Romans truth. In this message, the introductory background for the study is covered and prepares the saint for what is to come in the following messages. The historical setting of Romans doctrine is highlighted, as well as the educational setting and doctrinal structure as it relates to Paul's epistles in general and to Romans in particular.
Lesson 2: Justification (Pt. 1)
Preparations to Preach the Gospel of Christ
Preparations to Preach the Gospel of Christ
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Sep. 30, 2020 | Romans 1:1-17 | Justification Outline (Rom. 1-5) | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we open up the Romans Overview in earnest by giving an overview of the doctrine of Justification found in Romans 1-5. An outline for the doctrinal flow of information is presented, followed by a brief exposition of Romans 1:1-17. The focus of the message is the preparation of the heart and mind of the saint as it relates to receiving the preaching of the gospel of Christ for his/her establishment in the faith. This is done through an orientation to the gospel of God, as well as a narrowed focus of Paul's separation in connection with the Redemption aspect of its power fulfilled by the the Christ, the Son of David. Finally, assurance is given to the saint concerning the fully satisfying capacity of the gospel of Christ to edify and make him/her ready as an ambassador for Christ.
Lesson 3: Justification (Pt. 2)
Holding the Truth in Unrighteousness
Holding the Truth in Unrighteousness
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Oct. 7, 2020 | Romans 1:18-2:29 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we continue to examine the gospel of Christ in view of what it reveals about the righteousness of God and the unrighteousness of men. The world is shown to be guilty of all ungodliness and unrighteousness and the wrath of God every man's just deserving. The self-defense tactics of men to excuse themselves are also examined and shown to be ineffectual to spare men of judgment. God's judgment is according to truth and men will not escape when persisting to hold the truth in unrighteousness.
Lesson 4: Justification (Pt. 3)
That Thou Mightest Be Justified In Thy Sayings
That Thou Mightest Be Justified In Thy Sayings
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Oct. 14, 2020 | Romans 3:1-26 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we dive into the final defense tactic of guilty men facing the judgment of God. The perversions of man's thinking toward God is highlighted as he desperately tries to turn the tables and pass judgment upon His Maker. The damnation of such men is shown to be just and the final conclusion of the matter demonstrates the scriptural testimony that both Jews and Gentiles are all under sin. Finally, the righteousness of God as revealed in the faith of Jesus Christ is set forth as the answer to how unrighteousness men can be justified in his sight.
Lesson 5: Justification (Pt. 4)
The Law of Faith
The Law of Faith
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Oct. 21, 2020 | Romans 3:27-4:25 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we focus on the law of faith as God's operating principle of justification in His sight. Through a series of historical examples as well as an analysis of saving faith, we learn that God's justification for men has always been operational on the basis of confidence in God and the power/reliability of His word. In Abraham and David we see God's testimony on the matter as the compliment to His own norms and standards as the one God of both Jews and Gentiles. It is faith in the message of God to us concerning how that Christ was delivered for our offences, and raised again for our justification by which we are saved today.
Lesson 6: Justification (Pt. 5)
The Hope of the Glory of God
The Hope of the Glory of God
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Oct. 28, 2020 | Romans 5:1-21 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we conclude the first major cornerstone of Romans with an examination of the surety of our standing before God in being justified by faith. The issues related to our judicial standing before God are highlighted as well as a view of the hope of the glory of God that we are to be rejoicing in. Our salvation from the day of wrath along with our present possession of the at-one-ment are the major subjects of this particular message.
Lesson 7: Sanctification (Pt. 1)
Dead to Sin & Alive Unto God
Dead to Sin & Alive Unto God
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Nov. 4, 2020 | Romans 6:1-13 | Sanctification Outline (Rom. 6-8) | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we begin to look at the doctrine of our sanctified identity in Christ as saints. An introduction to the terminology along with an outline of this second cornerstone of the Roman epistle is highlighted, followed by an exposition of the opening verses that begin establishing the doctrine in the inner man. Our new identity as being dead to sin is a major point of focus in this message, as well as how the doctrine translates into the application of our grace given ability to walk in newness of life.
Lesson 8: Sanctification (Pt. 2)
Not Under the Law, But Under Grace
Not Under the Law, But Under Grace
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Nov. 11, 2020 | Romans 6:14-23 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we continue our examination of the doctrine of sanctification in Christ. With the first doctrinal matters established in our understanding, Paul now turns to correct some common misapplications of our grace identity. The focus of this messages deals with a fundamental misunderstanding about the purpose and function of the law and how its misuse will work to the detriment of our sanctification fruit.
Lesson 9: Sanctification (Pt. 3)
Dead to the Law
Dead to the Law
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Nov. 18, 2020 | Romans 7:1-6 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we deal with the second objection to the doctrine of being under grace and not under the law. The legal objection in question is the dominion of the law for the length of the life of a man. Paul shows there is a legal provision in the law itself that allows for a living person's relationship to to be dramatically altered when certainly extreme conditions are met. Accordingly, the spiritual transaction that resulted in our new identity in Christ also makes us dead to the law and frees us to enter into a relationship with God under grace.
Lesson 10: Sanctification (Pt. 4)
The Law, the Flesh & Sin
The Law, the Flesh & Sin
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Dec. 2, 2020 | Romans 7:7-25 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we continue the Romans Overview by examining the remaining verses of Romans 7. Two misunderstanding that develop about the law are addressed and corrected so that the believer in Christ has the proper perspective about how his sanctified identity in Christ can be sidelined if inappropriately applied. The law is held up as holy, just and good in view of its purpose, but is also shown to be insufficient for the believer's walk due to its weakness in relation to sin in our flesh. This study sets the stage for the final installment of instruction in the sanctification cornerstone that will be laid out in Romans 8.
Lesson 11: Sanctification (Pt. 5)
The Law of the Spirit of Life
The Law of the Spirit of Life
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Dec. 9, 2020 | Romans 8:1-13 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we begin to examine Romans 8. The operationalizing of our new identity in Christ under grace is the focus of the message as we are taught about the law of the Spirit of life and how it frees us from the functional condemnation of our walk that would otherwise be reliant upon the flesh. The minding of some spiritual things is shown to be the key to our service as the Spirit of dwells and quickens the life of Jesus in us to produce the fruit that is holy and well-pleasing to the Father.
Lesson 12: Sanctification (Pt. 6)
The Adoption of Sons - Part 1
The Adoption of Sons - Part 1
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Dec. 16, 2020 | Romans 8:14-15 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we begin to consider the third major component of our sanctified identity in Christ which is our adoption of sons. This capstone truth of our sanctification fills us in on the type of relationship that the Father has ordained for us in the redemption of Christ and places us into a new relationship with a new motivation, new education and new liberation. The contrast of being led by the Spirit vs. being led by the spirit of bondage is highlighted before we quickly dip back into God's program with Israel and see God's adoption purpose with them. This sets the stage for our further instruction in our adoption as sons in the body of Christ.
Lesson 13: Sanctification (Pt. 7)
The Adoption of Sons - Part 2
The Adoption of Sons - Part 2
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Dec. 23, 2020 | Romans 8:14-17 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we continue to consider the third major component of our sanctified identity in Christ which is our adoption of sons. We further look into the matter of the Son-ship of Jesus Christ and His devotion to the will of the Father as the perfect Son. His relation to man in terms of God's original intent with Adam is explored, as well as a brief examination of the inheritance He receives by virtue of His perfection through suffering as a Son. Finally, we relate this understanding back to our text verses in Romans 8 and begin to the see the connection to our adoption as sons and the leading of the Spirit in our sanctified lives.
Lesson 14: Sanctification (Pt. 8)
The Sufferings of this Present Time
The Sufferings of this Present Time
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Dec. 30, 2020 | Romans 8:18-27 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we begin to get our Father's mind given to us on the matter of the sufferings of this present time. What is the Father doing today in relation to our sufferings? What is He not doing? And why is He operating that way? These questions are dealt with in a summary fashion as part of the this message in the Romans Overview, along with the implications that the answer carries as it relates to our prayer lives. Listen to this message with a Bible opened to Romans 8 and the let the Spirit of God renew your mind with the truth of God's word.
Lesson 15: Sanctification (Pt. 9)
All Things Work Together for Good
All Things Work Together for Good
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Jan. 6, 2021 | Romans 8:28-39 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we examine the purpose of the Father in all things. We learn what the all things are, how they work together and the good that God has designed to be worked in us. The goal of the messages is to establish the Father's persuasion in the son's heart that everything has been accounted for as it relates to our walking after the things of the Spirit in the adoption relationship we have received.
Lesson 16: Dispensation (Pt. 1)
I Say the Truth in Christ
I Say the Truth in Christ
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Jan. 13, 2021 | Romans 9:1-18 | Dispensation Outline (Rom. 9-11) | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we begin to look at the foundational basis upon which Paul can preach the gospel of reconciliation as set forth in Romans 1-8. The doctrine of dispensation is essential to our establishment in the foundational truths of the faith that we have been given to proclaim. In Romans 9-11, we are introduced to these fundamental truths and brought up to speed with respect to the relationship of God's current dealings among the Gentiles to that of the nation Israel. After providing a high level outline, we begin to examine the text of God's word and exploring the issues of dispensation in relation to Israel's past.
Lesson 17: Dispensation (Pt. 2)
Much Longsuffering
Much Longsuffering
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Jan. 20, 2021 | Romans 9:19-33 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we continue to look at the doctrine of dispensation from the perspective of Israel's Past Paul answers the third objection to the dispensational interruption to God's dealings with Israel. The question of timing as it relates to the dispensation of God's grace and mercy to Gentiles is brought into question as Israel's program apparently hangs in the balance and time continues to extend. Why is God yet finding fault with Israel? The answer is contained in the next section of Romans 9 covered in this lesson.
Lesson 18: Dispensation (Pt. 3)
Israel's Stone of Stumbling
Israel's Stone of Stumbling
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Jan. 27, 2021 | Romans 10:1-13 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we continue the Romans Overview with a look at dispensation concerning Israel's Present. The primary theme of this chapter is Israel's need for salvation from the shame and offence associated with their stumbling over Jesus as the Christ. We learn that the righteousness of God that was provided for in the Christ and Israel's unbelief concerning Him is the reason for their stumbling. They were ignorant of what they needed to know concerning Him and must confess it in order to be saved from the nation's contrary teachings concerning Him.
Lesson 19: Dispensation (Pt. 4)
A Remnant
A Remnant
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Feb. 3, 2021 | Romans 10:14-11:6 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we conclude our study of Romans 10 and the dispensational issue related to Israel's Present, and then we begin to introduce Romans 11 and Israel's Future. The repetitive theme of these verses is the remnant vs. the rest in Israel as the believers are contrasted with the apostates in view of the nation's status. God, in all, is shown to be faithful to His word and justified by the remnant's faith, while the rest manifest their hardness of heart and disobedience to the gospel of the kingdom. This is another critical installment in our edification as sons so that we can properly understand the will of our Father in relation to Israel and in relation to us.
Lesson 20: Dispensation (Pt. 5)
Salvation Through Israel's Fall
Salvation Through Israel's Fall
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Feb. 10, 2021 | Romans 11:7-15 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we continue our examination of Romans 11. The particular issue of consideration is Israel's blindness through unbelief and the grace of God in giving the world an offer of salvation through their fall. It is shown that God is not forever finished with the prophecy program and that in the present time, He desires the salvation of individual Jews in connection with the new thing He brought in with the raising up of Paul as the apostle of the Gentiles.
Lesson 21: Dispensation (Pt. 6)
This Mystery
This Mystery
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Feb. 17, 2021 | Romans 11:16-36 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we conclude Romans 11 by taking a look at the unnatural dealings of God toward the Gentiles in this present time and are taught to have a healthy respect for what God is doing today. We consider the warnings against being highminded in the spiritual riches we enjoy today and are taught to appreciate the temporary nature of what God is doing with us in view of Israel's present setting aside. God will yet return to His program with Israel.
Lesson 22: Edification (Pt. 1)
The Wisdom of Godly, Selfless Love
The Wisdom of Godly, Selfless Love
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Feb. 24, 2021 | Romans 12:1-16 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we begin to examine the fourth and final cornerstone of the book of Romans. The final section of Romans deals with practical exhortations meant to edify the body of Christ for our heavenly calling. The basics of the Father's wisdom, justice, judgment and equity are imparted to us as the Spirit begins His leading ministry with us as the sons of God. In this message, a basic outline of the final section of the book is given before moving into the topic of godly, selfless love as taught by our Father as a first things first issue. The first sixteen verses of the chapter is surveyed and points for further study are highlighted for the listeners.
Lesson 23: Edification (Pt. 2)
The Justice of Godly, Selfless Love
The Justice of Godly, Selfless Love
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Mar. 3, 2021 | Romans 12:17-13:7 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we continue the Romans Overview and deal with the subject of godly justice. As a further installment of our edification as sons of God, we are taught the Father's mind as it related to His justice and its proper interaction with this present time. We are exhorted to forbear from taking matters into our own hands, evening the scores with our enemies and avenging ourselves, and to the contrary are taught to bless, give and show grace to them. Peace is our goal and salvation for those that hate us. Additionally, we are taught proper godly behavior with respect to our relationship toward government and given the understanding that we need to fulfill God's will in this present evil world.
Lesson 24: Edification (Pt. 3)
The Judgment of Godly, Selfless Love
The Judgment of Godly, Selfless Love
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Mar. 10, 2021 | Romans 13:8-14 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we continue the Romans Overview with a consideration of the matter of godly judgment. We learn how that the Spirit teaches us to fulfill the righteousness of the law without being under it as we learn the Father's ways as as son. The fruit of the Spirit produces righteousness in us as we walk after His teachings and there is no law against the production of godly love. In this spiritual edification, the righteousness of the law is fulfilled as our neighbor is loved with the love of God and no ill is worked against him. Furthermore, we are given discernment concerning the course of the world and its dark ways and taught to hate the works of darkness and the night they are producing. We are exhorted to use our time wisely in view of what God is doing and put on the Lord Jesus Christ in our day-to-day activities.
Lesson 25: Edification (Pt. 4)
The Equity of Godly, Selfless Love
The Equity of Godly, Selfless Love
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Mar. 17, 2021 | Romans 14:1-15:7 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we continue looking into the Father's instruction to us as his sons/daughters as it relates to the matter of godly equity. We are taught the meaning of this core principle of spiritual decision making and learn how that godly love applies to the estate differences of the saints within the body of Christ. Importantly, we learn that our ministry is not one of disputation or sowing doubt, but rather one of edification and sowing truth in charity. We are taught the importance of preferring others and their edification needs rather than pleasing ourselves with our own knowledge. This is a crucial matter for the members of the body of Christ to learn as we are taught to follow the things that make for peace and receive one another to the glory of God the Father.
Lesson 26: Edification (Pt. 5)
The Things Written Aforetime
The Things Written Aforetime
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Mar. 24, 2021 | Romans 15:4-13 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we continue our Romans Overview by looking at role of the things written aforetime in view of the doctrinal context of instruction that Paul is dealing with for weak and strong. As we see, the inequities of the immediate context fall along the lines of Jew/Gentile and Paul uses the scriptures of time past to show how that God gives us the hope that we need to have patience and comfort in view of God's glory. This message is largely developmental as some foundational matters are dealt with concerning the nature and purpose of the earthly ministry of the Lord and the understand of the relationship of Jew/Gentile in time past. The following message will build on these truths as we continue to advance through Romans 15.
Lesson 27: Edification (Pt. 6)
The Minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles
The Minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Mar. 31, 2021 | Romans 15:14-33 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we conclude Rom. 15 with a particular look at the ministry that Paul received from the Lord Jesus Christ. In it we learn the basis of Paul's boldness in the things that he writes, and the the authority by which he is able to glory in the things which pertain to God. Finally, we take a quick look at Paul's further ministry plan in relation to the Romans, his planned trip to Jerusalem to deliver the contribution of the Gentiles churches to the little flock, and his desire to conduct further ministry on his way to Spain.
Lesson 28: Edification (Pt. 7)
Power to Stablish You
Power to Stablish You
Bro. Joshua Edwards | Apr. 7, 2021 | Romans 16:1-27 | Download Audio | Youtube
In this message, we take our final look at the epistle to the Romans from the perspective of 3 postscripts. In these appended messages from the apostle, we have a series of salutations, warning and exhortations that need to be minded as those that have now be established in the foundational truths of the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. There are enemies to our continue growth as saints in the grace of God, and Paul will exhort us to guard those things that we have learned, lest the deception overtake us as those that are simple. The heart of the apostle is now to have us stabilized the saints and see them grow on to perfection in the further truths of God's grace in Christ.